Theresa Romero
Affordable & Artistic Web Design
StarConsulting Services and Hourly, Weekly and Monthly Packages
Home Page $100

Additional Pages $50

(See more prices further down on this page.)
Website Samples: (in progress)
www.CynthiaBelliveau (in progress) (simple, due to client choice) (ditto)
and this one you are veiwing.
I built and managed the RoRo Artworks Store for years, including thousands of products and it's database.
(Return soon for the new RoRo Artworks store.)
I also can make your store. To view mine, go to


I can charge far less than most, because I am self-taught - with no need to repay costly tuitions,

and becasue I don't have to pay a large company overhead.


I love learning and am always increasing my abilities, to keep up with advances in technology.

(My current obsession is Joomla.)


I utilize the Adobe Master Creative Suite and have membership in their Creative Cloud.


I subscribe to a web font hosting company, so the exact fonts I use on your site will always show up, even if the viewer doesn't have those fonts on their computer. (I LOVE it! What will they come up with next?)

Star Domain Registration assistance: included Star Links: included Star Pop-Up Windows: $2ea Star Watermark creation: $10 Star Watermark inlay: $2 ea Star Basic Image Formatting: $2 ea (or $3 for both) Star Copywright Protection: $1 per page Star Image Enhancement: $10 ea Star Music or Video Embedding: $25 ea Star Forms: $15-$50 ea Star Basic Blogs: $50 ea Star Upload to Website: $25-$50 Star Shopping Carts (E-Commerce Stores) $100 per page Star Website Hosting: $2 per mo

Star Free Estimates Star Short Turn-Around Time Star Monthly payment plan available Star Visa, MC, PayPal, and Google Pay Accepted

I will help you through all the steps to get your online website up and make sure it reflects your personality and message.

I delight in being of service, and find creating and managing websites for people to be a joyful way to use my artistic and technical abilities to this end.

I am also available as a computer tutor to teach you how to create and manage your own website.